lunes, 26 de octubre de 2015

My Favorite Festivity

My favorite festivity is Halloween and it is celebrated on 31st of October. The origin of this festivity is Celta but it is celebrated around the world especially in English Speaking Countries and also in Spain and Latin America. The ancient celtas believed that in "Samahain" or Halloween the spirits crossed the line from the afterlife, because in this festivity it is a tradition to use mask and costume to shoo the evil spirits. Halloween is celebrated in different parts of the world thanks to horror movies. At present this festivity is celebrated in Latin America as the proximity between the world of the dead and the world of the living. In Chile the children visit the house´s to request for candy and the adults go to parties associated with this festivity. I like Halloween because for me it is a festivity to have fun and I like the costume and all esthetic related. 

lunes, 5 de octubre de 2015

My Favorite Piece of Technology

My favorite technological object is my notebook because it is very useful for my study and also to have fun. It was a gift from my mother because I needed one for my study. I use my notebook most of the time of the day because I need to read my text for my subject and I want to keep the contact with my family and friends in Puerto Montt. Usually, I check my Facebook and E-mail and in my free time I chat with my close friends. I like my notebook because it is a tool to work and contact a the people, besides I like to watch anime or movies. If I didn´t have my notebook I couldn´t keep the contact with my family and I couldn't do my homework and read my text. Once I didn´t have my notebook in the last semester and I had problems to fulfill my responsibilities.